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Hollywood Lutherans'
Weekly Prayer List
Special Prayer
God of peace, give leaders of nations the wisdom to
choose peace over war, dialogue over conflict.
Comfort those who are in fear and are
caught in the middle of the conflict.
Shervin Ghaffari
(US delegation team, seeking peace)
Please offer your thoughts and prayers for:
Phyllis Lundine, Linda Florxzyk Faith Rossman,
Paul Hohmann, and Walter Cannas
for healing
Arpik Rostmians, and Sherry Bond & Family
for trust in your mercy
Thomas Richardson, David Conrad, Esther Olsen,
Bill Reid, Emmett Richards, Bill Lortz,
and Roy Stone
for wholeness and well-being
Sylvia Goulden, Anna Harris, Robin Ardinger,
Ashlyn (Raoul Tapia's niece), Jennifer Yates,
Will Terry, Jaha Blackwell,
Sam Gross, Debra Lande, and Tim Pugh
for strength and healing in fighting cancers
For all families who are missing loved ones this
holiday season.
For all people in the military who are deployed
and/or serving our country
for hopefulness and strength
Memorial Candles are lit in memory of :
Javier Cruz, Robert Shumate and,
All our passed loved ones.
The Paschal Candle
Located in the entrance of the sanctuary is used by our congregation as the
welcoming light of Jesus Christ. In the same way that it has traditionally been
utilized as light to the world.
The Rainbow Candelabra
As a reminder, this community is inclusive and welcomes all of God's
people. The rainbow candelabra located on the altar serves as a reminder of this
community's inclusive and intentional welcome to the LGBTQ+ community.
If anyone would like to add or re-add a name please email or call out office: or (323) 667-1212
Names normally remain on out list for two months or it's removed before by request.

Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer
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